Counseling & Advising


Everyone has different paths, varied goals and lots of commitments. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is a great place to explore those paths, reach for those goals and make a commitment to yourself to improve your life! 我们知道,刚开始可能会让人不知所措. That's 你为什么要来咨询中心找我们 & 今日谘询处!

我们是来帮助你的. From creating an academic plan to exploring career options; from dealing with short-term personal issues to getting connected with more involved mental health resources in the community - 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Counseling & Advising team wants 帮助你达成目标,实现梦想!

Appointment Options

We are currently holding appointments via phone, Zoom, or in person. Please call or 给我们发电子邮件预约:509-542-5505或 counselingFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN.

To schedule an appointment via email, please include the following information in your email:

  • SID
  • Phone number
  • Degree path
  • Availability

请准时赴约. 你可能会被要求重新安排,如果你 arrive late. If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment time, please let us know. 我们很乐意为您找到一个最合适的时间!

Academic Advising

网赌正规真人实体在线平台,我们称我们的学术顾问为完成教练. 建议的效果最好  在你和你的完成教练之间分担责任. 考虑到这点,我们 encourage you to meet with 你的完成教练 each quarter to develop a plan and 确保你能顺利毕业.


  • Clarification of prerequisites and program and degree requirements
  • 选课及报名
  • 理解你的建议报告
  • 检讨转职规定
  • 制定学术和财政援助计划
  • 毕业后的应用程序
  • 添加或删除类
  • Success coaching and connection to campus and community resources

Although we offer many degrees at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, the AA Transfer Degree is the most popular. You can download the fillable worksheet and degree requirements before you meet with 你的完成教练!

AA Transfer Degree



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Career Services at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 aims to provide you- at any stage of professional development- 具备必要的职业准备技能. 使你能够成功地导航 您的职业生涯就是我们的目标! 我们致力于支持您的职业发展 and education.

Student raising hand

Find Out More!

Personal Counseling

We provide free, short-term personal counseling services for all current students. 请打电话预约.


  • 压力、焦虑和/或抑郁
  • Grief and loss
  • Overwhelmed feelings
  • Test anxiety
  • 关系问题和/或虐待
  • Substance abuse
  • 关于性别和/或性的问题
  • 愤怒管理问题
  • 关心平衡学校、工作和家庭生活

C.A.R.E. Counseling Services

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The admissions process is fully outlined on 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Getting Started page. Find information about Financial Aid, creating a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email account, scheduling placement tests, etc.

Getting started

Class costs vary depending on how many credits you are taking, your resident status in the state of Washington and if there are fees associated with the class. Most courses 还要求学生购买书籍和/或代码.

Tuition & Fees

Both can advise and help you locate and obtain the resources, support and skills necessary 完成你在网赌正规真人实体在线平台的学位或课程. 辅导员有额外的培训 conduct short-term mental health counseling and career counseling.

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An advisement report is an analysis of your academic progress toward your degree. It helps you see where you're at along your educational journey and which courses 你需要完成才能毕业! 如有疑问,请与 你的完成教练 to review your advisement report and to ensure you are fulfilling 你的学位或课程的要求.


hold可能很棘手,但别担心,我们可以帮你! 这是你最好的选择 a question about a registration hold, is to contact us at 509-547-5505. We will be happy to discuss any holds you may have and how to resolve them.

If you're a prospective student, you may want to check out what classes we offer. If so, please use the "Class Search" link on our public website.

Registration Form

Current students who wish to register for classes will do that via My网赌正规真人实体在线平台:



If you are required to attend a Post-SOAR Advising session, you will be prompted to 在“入门”步骤的末尾注册.

Getting Started

You can add a class until the second day of the quarter without instructor approval. After the second day of the quarter, you will need an instructor to sign the override form below and submit it to the appropriate program/ division office. Once the override is approved, staff in the academic program/division office will overrise the system 这样你就可以注册这门课了.

Override Form

You can also email the instructor asking for their permission to enroll in the class. The email from the instructor must include the Course ID and the Item Number. If they approve, attach the email to the Override Form and submit it to the academic program/division as described above.

You can drop a class within the first five days of the quarter to receive one hundred percent tuition refund; however some fees can't be refunded. 得到百分之五十 refund, you must withdraw from a class before the 20th calendar day. You can withdraw from a class up until the 40th day without receiving a grade of 0.0 but will receive no refund.

Drop a Course

If you are receiving Financial Aid, please make sure to speak with a Hawk Central 这一变化将如何影响你的资金专家.


You must have current placement test scores or have passed certain math and English 课程来制定经济援助计划. 和全血细胞计数评估中心联系一下,如果你 不确定你的安置状态.

Assessment Center

If you have transfer credits, they must be evaluated by Student Records. If you are a transfer student and this is your first quarter at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, bring in a copy of your 咨询的非正式成绩单 & 建议为即将到来的季度注册 only.


Your advisement report will tell you if you are ready to complete a graduation application. If so, please make 和你的完成教练预约. 你可以在任何时候做这件事 时间,但它必须完成. 你应该完成你的毕业申请 你正在注册你在网赌正规真人实体在线平台的最后一个季度. 关于所有其他毕业信息, please visit our Graduation page.

Advisement Report

You can expect to see your diploma in the mail about six to eight weeks after you 完成学位要求. 如果时间超过这个时间,请联系学生 Records.

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You can see that you've earned a credential on your unoffical transcript, typically 成绩公布后一周内.

Schools have many important deadlines and requirements that you will need to meet 成功转移. 我们鼓励你准备一个转移策略 和你的完成教练预约.

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把你的正式成绩单交给霍克中心. 一旦你收到工作表 Evaluation of Transfer Credit in the mail, you can schedule an appointment with a Completion Coach.


Yes! One of the most important things you need to do as a new transfer student is to request your official transcripts from your previous school be sent to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 for evaluation.


It takes several weeks from the date Student Records receives your official transcript(s) 让它们被处理. 你会收到一份信用评估的副本 这之后的邮件就完成了. 一旦你收到这份转学评估工作表 Credit, you can schedule an appointment with a Completion Coach.





  • Phone:509-542-5505

  • Address:2600 N. 20th Ave. Pasco, WA 99301H Building

  • Office Hours:Appointments:星期一至三:上午七时至下午三时四十五分Friday: 7 to 11 amWalk-ins:星期四:上午9时至下午3时45分
